Losing weight can be half the battle when achieving a smooth and fit body. After major weight loss, skin is often unable to conform to the new, slimmer contour of the body. Because it was stretched to fit a larger frame, the skin will droop and hang. The only effective way to remove this excess skin is through a set of cosmetic procedures collectively known as a body lift. A body lift targets areas of the body that have excess skin left over from weight loss. Common areas for this to occur are in the abdomen, the back, the thighs, the upper arms and the hips. Dr. Casper's extensive experience in cosmetic surgery has earned him a reputation as one of the top body lift surgeons in Los Angeles.
The ideal candidate for a body lift is an individual who is in good health and who has a significant amount of excess skin to be removed. The patient should remember that this is a procedure to reduce excess skin, not to get rid of excess fat. The patient should have stabilized their weight prior to consulting a surgeon about this surgery.

This procedure is performed under general anesthesia. The body lift surgeon first marks out the areas to be excised and all necessary incisions are made. Excess fat and skin are removed and the skin is sutured in place. Oftentimes, drains are placed in the incision for proper fluid drainage and the area is wrapped in a compression garment. The incision lines are placed in areas that can be concealed by clothing or with the natural contour of the body. Common procedures include: tummy tuck, arm lift, thigh lift, and an overall lower body lift. For those patients looking for the best body lift surgeon Los Angeles has available, Dr. Casper delivers amazing results.
A body lift is a serious surgery, and patients should expect to be away from work for a little over a month. There will be some pain and discomfort following the procedure. Your surgeon will prescribe pain medication to alleviate this. Depending on the type of body lift procedures performed, your surgeon may recommend you wear compression garments to encourage the skin to conform to the new body contour. There will be scarring, but this is usually hidden underneath clothing or in the natural creases and contours of the body.
*The content/images on this website are not a guarantee of individual results. Individual results may vary. The information provided on this site is for general informational purposes only, and does not replace the need for a formal consultation with a plastic and reconstructive surgeon before undergoing a surgical procedure or skin care treatment. Results may vary depending on the person.
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